BACES Wellbeing Weekly Round up – Week 4
05 March 2021
Monday – Body Care
Feeling Groovy, Have a Smoothie!
Smoothies are very easy to make, are very good for you and taste delicious. They are a great way of getting your ‘5 a day’, can give you an energy boost when you are studying and can help to keep you hydrated. For some smoothie recipes, visit the BACES page on Moodle.
Tuesday – Achievement
Our Daily Bread
You can’t beat fresh homemade bread and it is so satisfying and easy to make. I use honey instead of sugar and I like to put a tablespoon of olive oil in as well. Knead away your frustrations, be patient while it proves and then pop in the oven and enjoy the aroma. In no time at all you will have a magnificent loaf. Stand back and enjoy your success then serve, still warm, with good butter or olive oil. Enjoy – I bet you eat more than one slice.
Wednesday – Connect with Others
Create a Virtual Book Club
Questions to consider at a virtual Book Club with family or friends:
1. What was your favourite part of the book?
2. What was your least favourite?
3. Did you race to the end, or was it more of a slow burn?
4. Which scene has stuck with you the most?
5. What did you think of the writing?
6. Did you reread any passages?
7. Would you want to read another book by this author?
Thursday – Enjoyment
Winter Watchlist
Going out for more walks? Have a look at the BBC’s Winter Watchlist and see what you can spot when you are out and about.
Friday – Step Back
Reflect on your week
1.What were my wins for the week?
2.What are my lessons from things that didn’t go quite as well?
3. Any projects or tasks I completed?
4. Any pending tasks?
5. Did I stick to my plan and stay organised?
6. How much progress did I make on my yearly goals
7. What (quote, affirmation or anything else) kept me inspired?
8. What action or habit am I proud of?
9. How much did I read?
10. What made me happy?
11.What made me stressed, unhappy or angry?
12. Anything I did to take care of my physical body?
13. Any area of life or skill I improved in?
14.What am I grateful for the most this week?