About The Governors
The Governors
The Instrument and the Governors’ own Standing Orders define the constitution as being comprised of the following 20 stakeholders:
- 13 appointed External Governors (four year term of office)
- 2 elected Staff Governors (four year term of office)
- 2 elected Parent Governors (three year term of office)
- The Principal (for duration of his/her employment)
- 2 elected Student Governors (one year term of office)
External Governors are recruited to provide a range of key skills and links to key stakeholders across Kirklees and the surrounding area. The Governing Body (not the College) employs an independent part-time Clerk, who facilitates all aspects of its work.
The Search and Governance Committee advise the Corporation on appointments and reappointments.
Current Corporation
CORP & Committee schedule
Complaints Policy
Code of Conduct for Governors
Instrument and Articles
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