Progress Monitoring
Our value-added/monitoring system provides an effective means of measuring your performance. Your GCSE results on entry are measured against your progress at a number of points in the year. Twice a year this will involve a full monitoring discussion with your Subject Teachers and your Personal Tutor as to what this suggests about your future achievement at A Level. Importantly, at these meetings, praise, encouragement and support are given as needed in order to ensure that you fulfil your potential.
When does Monitoring Happen?
We monitor your progress each term via a two way dialogue between you and each Subject Teacher. This will be followed by a discussion with your Personal Tutor who will then collate the comments and produce a written report which can then be accessed through Cedar, our secure access portal.
Progress will also be regularly assessed at other points in the year so that Personal Tutors and Subject Teachers can provide appropriate support.
If a student is unable to meet the requirements they have agreed to by signing the College Learning Agreement, we will work to re-establish the Learning Agreement through positive encouragment and manageable target setting as described in the Student Re-Engagement Policy and Procedure
Keeping in Touch with your Parents, Guardians and Carers
Your parents, Guardians and Carers will be invited to discuss your progress at Parents’ Evenings, although they may make an appointment through the Personal Tutor to talk to staff at any time.