Student Executives

Frankie Robinson (President):

Hi! I’m Frankie and I have the honour as serving as GCSA President for the 24/25 term, as well as a Student Governor. In my role, I work with CLT and the Corporation towards a better Greenhead for everyone. In addition, I’m responsible for leading a fantastic team of talented EOs, as well as relaying key information to the GCSA Representatives. I’m studying Philosophy, Sociology, and History at Greenhead, and outside of college, I put a lot of time into my role as Chief Executive of Transience, a youth-led Yorkshire-based non-profit focusing on the welfare of trans, queer, and BAME communities. I’m also a classically-trained singer and ballet dancer, and I enjoy almost anything art-adjacent from Polachek to Dostoyevsky, and de Ribera to Bulgakov. After Greenhead, I’m hoping to read Russian and Social Anthropology, before taking an MPA to work in the public sector, or a PhD in the anthropology between Eastern Europe, Russia, kinship, sex, and gender and starting an academic career. I’m so excited to get to work – please don’t hesitate to reach out, I’m here to help!
Laiba Nadeem (Finance Officer):

I am Laiba Nadeem, the finance officer. I do Psychology, Economics and Maths for A levels. I am responsible for looking after the student current accounts aswell as any financial activity that takes place within the GCSA. I also liaise with the careers department to make sure that students at Greenhead are equipped with all the appropriate financial and careers knowledge and updates.
Sean McNally (Secretary):

Hi, my name is Sean and it is an honour and a privilege to be an Executive Officer and to represent the Student body. I study Classics, Law and English Language and in my spare time I play sports such as Cricket and Golf, as well as collect Lord of the Rings Warhammer and writing poetry. I intend to study Law at university and hope to either go into Law or politics as a job. As Secretary it is my job to keep a record of anything said both in Executive Officer meetings and in GCSA meetings. This is an important job as it means that we can be held accountable and challenged when it is necessary. To me, the most important part of being an Executive Officer is having integrity and putting the Students first. I will achieve this through speaking in Executive Officer meetings and being an open and approachable person at all times.
Viswa Edara (Welfare officer):

Hi, I’m Viswa and I am the Welfare Officer. My role includes raising awareness about issues students face in the college, and to encourage positive change. In addition to this, I also act as one of the Student Governors, which allows me to promote the needs and views of the student body during corporation meetings. I study biology, chemistry, and maths, and I play the guitar.
Dang Lin (Communications Officer):

Hiya, I’m Dang Lin. I serve as Greenhead’s Executive Communication Officer, where I handle the dissemination of information on internal and student events, such as Culture Day. This means I run the Executive Officer’s social medias and design graphics for the whole college to see. My subjects are Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Art & Design. In my free time, I advocate for the British-Chinese community in Huddersfield and run a student-led community interest company. After college, I wish to study in the USA because of the Liberal Arts system — I don’t want to give up science or art at higher education — or pursue a Design Masters at Cambridge.
Isaac Lock (Diversity and Inclusion Officer):

Hi my name is Isaac and I study geography, Biology and religious studies. My role within the executive officers is Diversity and inclusion. This means that I help ensure that all genders, races, sexualities, disabilities, religions and ethnicities are respected, represented and celebrated within greenhead college. I am proud to represent Greenhead College’s diverse culture. If you have any suggestions as to how we can ensure that Greenhead is more accessible to all people, drop the executive officers a message via email, Instagram or teams!
Aisha Chikosha (Diversity and Inclusion Officer):

Hello, My name is Aisha Chikosha
I take the following subjects Biology Psychology and Health and Social Care. I am one of the Diversity and Inclusion Officers . Greenhead is extremely diverse and the student body and staff reflect that. It is important that the diversity is celebrated and acknowledged and that’s what I hope to achieve during my time in this role through the success of various events.
Zoe Nutter (Charity Officer):

Hi! I’m Zoe and i’m studying biology, chemistry and modern history and i hope to go on and become a primary school teacher! I am one of your Charity Officers for the next year, my job as charity officer is to run and organise charity events across college including the famous charity day! Outside of college i enjoy dancing and performing arts and i love marvel! Please feel free to reach out if you ever need anything!
Aalia Bhaiyat (Charity Officer)

Hi everyone, my name is Aalia and I’m one of your charity officers for 2024-2025! As the name suggests, my job is to lead and organise charity events, from smaller charity events such as bake sales to larger events like charity day. I study Biology, Chemistry and Maths, hoping to study medicine at university. I enjoy many hobbies, such as reading, baking and crocheting. If you have suggestions please reach out!
Nelly Olumese (Environment Officer)

Hi i’m Nelly and i’m the Environment Officer for the 24-25 term. My role involves improving Greenhead’s sustainability through education and events. I study Biology Chemistry and Maths hoping to pursue a career in medicine.