Teaching and Learning

We support you to achieve your potential through social and emotional learning and building resilience and independence.


In navigating the steps to Advanced Level study, students are supported all the way. From induction through to mock and final exam preparation, teachers skilfully guide students in organising their learning, providing them with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to succeed. Students are challenged by new material, new classmates, assessment criteria and deliberate practice to help them prepare best. Teachers use the latest research-informed pedagogy so that students’ cognitive load is not overwhelmed, where material is presented in ‘chunks’, knowledge organisers and regular spaced retrieval practice are encouraged to not only aid students’ long-term memory but also build confidence. College INSET promotes the dissemination of good practice so that students are engaged and motivated.

Classroom support

Strategies such as Assessment for Learning reinforces the learning process and deals with misconceptions so that getting things wrong or making errors is explained as all part of the learning process. Teachers work hard to promote rapport with students and each other via group and paired tasks, conferences, educational visits and a chance to perform beyond the classroom.

Independent study, revision tips and personal organisation are a key feature of A Level study as part of homework assignments and coursework. Teachers utilise our Cedar platform to raise concerns or give commendations regarding student progress so that tutors are fully aware.

Listening to students

Our termly monitoring process provides an opportunity for a mature and constructive 1-1 discussion between student and teacher relating to their progress, wellbeing, with opportunities to identify the need for additional support. Students with SEND are supported via our Cedar flags so that appropriate strategies are developed in unity with ALS. For students with an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) termly reviews are undertaken between relevant stakeholders, including parents. End of year subject student surveys are conducted to capture the learner voice, and feedback is discussed with the Assistant Principals (Quality of Education) and Heads of Department in their regular meetings.

Personal Tutor Programme

Skills, knowledge and understanding needed by our students, to promote resilience and help keep themselves and others physically and mentally healthy and safe, are included as part of our Tutorial Programme.

Personal Tutors check-in with all students as part of their induction to College during the first term and continue to provide valuable support and guidance relating to their academic studies, well-being and future career choices for the rest of their time at Greenhead.

Students have an opportunity to become a tutor form representative and later, a member of the Greenhead College Student Association (GCSA) to proactively contribute to the college community and develop their leadership skills in the process.