SEND and Inclusion
We value diversity and individuality and create an environment of inclusivity and mutual respect.
Our Learning Support Assistants provide flexible, high-quality support for our students. They have extensive experience and training on supporting students with SEND and work closely with staff across the College. They deliver support to small groups and individuals and adapt their approaches to the changing needs of the learner.
Our Learning Mentors will help you to look at situations through a process of reflection to identify gaps in your learning and other barriers to your success. They can help you with practical things such as study skills or sometimes the support is for less tangible things such as finding your inner motivation, dealing with worries, and identifying what success means to you.
The Additional Learning Support Team have been trained by Mental Health England, they have an in-depth understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect well-being along with practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues.
The Coffee Club is a weekly group where students can meet new people and take part in a variety of activities such as crafts and our popular quizzes.
This programme offers an opportunity for students to self-reflect on and examine what is important to them. As students journey through the process, themes emerge such as anxiety around change or the importance of predictability. It is an individual process about areas of need and strategies that might be successful. This self-reflection can also help students understand the need for balance, recognising strengths as well as things you find difficult.
We work collaboratively with Barnardos to raise and support the awareness of Young Carers and we have a weekly peer support group in College where students can get involved with crafts and well-being activities.
This programme offers students with SEND an opportunity to examine their options for the future and post 18. It provides a more holistic approach to making choices and provides the time and space to discuss concerns with an emphasis on considerations other than academic. It is delivered in 3 steps: Exploring Options, Applying and Making Choices, and OMG I’m going to Uni!
The MoodMaster Programme is an upbeat approach to working on your emotional well-being. It is for ANYONE who might be struggling with low well-being. The programme can help you learn more about yourself and will teach you simple techniques that can help you manage your well-being. Click here for more information.