Pastoral and Welfare

We offer outstanding pastoral care, including onsite support from professionals which is available to all students.

Safeguarding Team

The Safeguarding Team consists of the Designated Safeguarding Lead, a Deputy DSL and a team of nine Safeguarders. The DSL provides regular training to all staff to ensure staff are confident in their responsibilities of identifying and reporting safeguarding concerns. Click here to find out more.

Personal Tutors

Personal Tutors work on an individual level with students to support their mental health. This support is available all the time and tutors work with students, curriculum staff, external agencies, and parents to identify the support needs of students. Click here to find out more.


The College employs a counselling team that offers counselling, C.B.T. and coaching. The Lead Counsellor is Senior Accredited, specialising in children and young people. The college counsellors are BACP registered and all adhere to guidance set by the BACP (British Assocation for Counselling and Psychotherapy). They offer a high level of support and are experienced in working with a wide range of issues. Counselling aims to help deal with difficulties more effectively, to explore what is going on and how to make changes or develop useful strategies.

Tutor Team – Mental Health First Aid Trained

The Tutor Team has been trained by Mental Health England. They have an in-depth understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect well-being along with practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues.

Promoting Positive Mental Health Tutorials

These tutorials raise awareness of issues to do with mental health. They aim to equip students with strategies to develop their own mental health and resilience. We also use them to signpost available support in college, and external support through the Moodle well-being page.

Mental Health Focus Tutorials

At appropriate points in the academic year, we run tutorials responding to the current needs of the students e.g., in the run up to exams and during progress assessments etc. These tutorials again raise awareness, provide strategies and signpost support.

Diversity and Inclusion Tutorial

This tutorial aims to restate the College ethos, beliefs and policies around Diversity and Inclusion. It encourages students to explore their own bias and to challenge and report discrimination where they see it. This contributes to all students feeling safe and secure in College.

Safeguarding Tutorials

A series of tutorials that are delivered through the academic year designed to support student mental and physical health in relation to issues such as Prevent, CSE, County Lines and Safer Internet. We also formed a collaboration with The Base (local drug and alcohol advisory service) who delivered bespoke tutorials to all A1 students.

Public Sexual Harassment Tutorial and awareness campaign

We have a tutorial that identifies PSH behaviours, signposts ways of reporting harassment and gives students strategies for how to respond to incidents safely. In conjunction with a student focus group, we have launched a raising awareness campaign to make our college a safer place for all.