British Values

Greenhead College takes every opportunity to actively promote the following British Values. These are embedded into department’s Schemes of Work and staff are encouraged to reinforce them where appropriate in their lessons. British Values form a key part of our College ethos, culture and curriculum.


  • Election of students to positions of responsibility on the Greenhead College Student Association (GCSA).
  • Students are given the opportunity to put forward their views through their ‘Learner Voice’ questionnaires.
  • Curriculum coverage through our Tutorial Programme.

The Rule of Law

  • Greenhead College expects high standards of student behaviour and commitment which are set out in the student’s Learning Agreement  which is signed by each student when they enrol.
  • College rules and regulations are explained to students during induction and are detailed in each student’s planner. 
  • Student expectations are reinforced through our Student Re-engagement Policy and Procedure.
  • All students are required to wear ID Badges and lanyards.

Individual Liberty

  • Through our tutorial programme, we educate all our students on their rights, responsibilities and personal freedoms as well as supporting them in recognising how to exercise these freedoms safely. 
  • Students choose their own programme of study, enrichment courses and activities for PAWS week.
  • Students make informed choices with the help of Career and Employability tutorials.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

  • Greenhead College aims to ensure equality of opportunity and protection from discrimination for all students and staff regardless of age, race, disability, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity.
  • Our college ethos is to treat others with dignity and respect.
  • Inappropriate behaviour is effectively challenged.
  • We promote the effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our students.