Student Bursary Fund

Student Financial Support

The Student Bursary is designed to help students who are experiencing financial difficulty in accessing or completing their course. Funds can be provided to help towards the cost of travel, meals, books, equipment, and essential materials needed for your courses. You must be under 19 on the 31 August in the current academic year.

Application deadline is 30th September

Please click on the drop-down arrow to see if you are eligible. 

There are two categories of Financial Support. (Priority Bursary or Income Assessed Bursary)

Priority Bursary (Vulnerable)

You the Student may be eligible for a Priority Bursary of up to £1,200 a year. 

To receive a Priority Bursary you must have evidence of one or more of the qualifying elements below:-                   

  • In care
  • Care Leaver
  • Receiving Income Support, or Universal Credit because you are financially supporting yourself or financially supporting yourself and someone who is dependent on you and living with you such as a child or partner.
  • Receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in your own right, as well as Employment / Support Allowance or Universal Credit in your own right.

Income Assessed Bursary (Discretionary)

College will provide an income-assessed Bursary for students whose Parents/Carers household income is below £28,000 (this amount is excluding any benefits).

We will consider any applications with household income from £28,000 up to £30,000 if funding allows, and providing an application has been made in full, before the deadline date of the 30th September.

Your application will be means tested and there are four main types of income evidence, and you will need to provide evidence of the following:-

  • Final Tax Credit Award Notice (TC602): this is a document detailing entitlement to Working Tax Credits or Child Tax Credits. The income figure required is shown as ‘Total Income for the year from 6th April to 5th April for the current financial year. The Final Tax Credit Award Notice must be dated from April of the current year.
  • P60: this is a statement of earnings from an employer and the income will be shown as either; total pay for year, total income received or gross Income. This must be dated this current year and will relate to the previous year’s earnings.
  • Other Benefits: entitlement or award letter showing evidence of any benefits received, including Universal Credit monthly statements as requested in the application.
  • Self-assessment tax calculation form (SA302): this form is sent by the Inland Revenue to self-employed people and is the equivalent of the P60. The income will be shown under ‘Total Income’ for the most recent year end.

Free Meals

To qualify for the Meals Bursary you will be assessed based on your household benefits:-

  • Income Support
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Guarantee Pension Credits
  • Income related Employment & Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit with net earnings no more than £7,400
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by HMRC. 

Care to Learn – Childcare

Care to Learn can help you with childcare costs while you study.

Students may be eligible for support for childcare costs through the Care to Learn scheme and could receive up to £160 per week for each child.

Students are entitled to help if:

  • They are under the age of 20 and have a young child
  • Are studying at college
  • Have an Ofsted registered child Carer

Further information on Care to Learn is available from:

Tel: 0800 121 8989


Short Term Support / Change in Circumstances

College understands that family circumstances may change throughout the year.  However, once the Bursary Application deadline date has passed, applications will close.
We have a small amount of funds for students who experience the following over the academic year :-

  • A Short-Term Emergency
  • A Change in Circumstances

Please note, funding is limited.   The student can make a request for support via the Student Portal Login.  They will need to give details of the change in circumstance or short-term emergency.  Details will need to be provided including what support is needed, along with evidence of cost.  This must relate to their A Level course and be essential.  

We do not provide funding to help with home emergencies such as rent, or other household bills from the Fund.  Once the request has been received, you will hear back within 3 – 5 working days.

If the student would prefer to discuss this in private, they can book a Student Appointment via the Bursary Moodle page.


If you have any queries please contact

Student Bursary Office Opening Times

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday –  08:30am – 16:00pm

Wednesday & Friday  – 08:30am – 15:30pm