Core Maths
What is Core Maths?
- A qualification equivalent to an AS Level
- It focusses on applying maths to real life situations
- It is designed to support the maths in other A Levels (see list of recommended subjects below).
Why study this subject?
- Core Maths results at Greenhead have always been outstanding. In 2024, 48.5% of students achieved a grade A (the highest grade) and 79.4% achieved at least a grade B.
- Many A Level subjects require a high level of proficiency in maths, Core Maths keeps your maths skills topped up.
- Many Universities give favourable alternative offers if you have a Core Maths qualification. E.g. Medicine at Keele University goes from A*AA to AAA with an A in Core Maths* and many other subjects have a 2 grade reduction BBB to BCC with a B in Core Maths.
All courses at the University of Bath (which do not require A Level Maths) are reduced by one grade if you have a B in Core Maths*. - Some university courses that need a GCSE Maths grade of 6+ will accept Core Maths instead.
- Even without an alternative offer, having an extra maths qualification helps you to stand out. E.g. A Chemistry paper has around 20% mathematical content, we found that students who studied some form of maths after GCSE performed better in Chemistry A Level than those that didn’t.
- The chance to learn about some aspects of personal finance: tax, mortgages etc.
- Another opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.
*Information correct as of June 2024
Students are expected to undertake 3-4 hours of independent work each week for this subject.
Core Maths is a 9 month course. You will have 4 lessons of Core Maths per week from September to May before sitting 2 exam papers. Although there is some additional work to be completed outside of lesson, it is minimal compared to a normal A Level. Teaching usually finishes around the end of March meaning there is a lot of time to revise in lesson, further reducing the burden of taking it as a 4th subject.
There are two pathways through Core Maths depending on the combination of other subjects studied.
All students will cover
Paper 1
- Analysis of Data
- Maths for Personal Finance
- Estimation
And then one of either:
Graphical Techniques (For Chemistry and Physics students)
- Critical Analysis
- Graphical Methods
- Exponential Functions
- Rates of Change
Statistical Techniques (For Students not studying Chemistry or Physics)
- Confidence Intervals
- Critical Analysis
- Correlation and Regression
- Normal Distribution
If you are not already intending to study either A Level Maths or A-Level Statistics, then Core Maths is recommended to support the following subjects:
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Economics
- Geography
- Physics
- Psychology
- Geology
- Sociology
Grade 5 in GCSE Maths.