Greenhead Charity Week: Pride and Success!

_51A8876.JPGGreenhead’s illustrious Charity Week hails another spectacular success as on the 20th and 22nd of November the college assembled to raise as much money as they could for charity. The chosen charity this year was CALM, an organisation campaigning to better support male mental health and the college’s combined effort managed to raise an impressive £2,851.

The week began with a widely anticipated staff horse race featuring many of Greenhead’s well-known figures all competing in a balloon-popping, fiercely competitive sprint around the college in an effort to be crowned winners, with the blue team David Greenwood and Charlotte Twigger emerging victorious. The sale of raffle tickets for the event contributed fantastically to the final sum raised and the general buzz of excitement present throughout the week. There was also a superb bake sale with a large number donations of baked goods from students, staff and local businesses. Thank you so much for your generosity – both baking and buying!

With Thursday came the main event – the array of costumes was so impressive this year, with students and staff alike, crowding into college in the guises of costumes portraying countless characters, creatures and the odd obscure references. With lunchtime came Battle of the Bands with incredible performances given by all six performers. The band Mud Mask were chosen as the winner by our judges, with their version of Bowie’s ‘Ziggy Stardust’. The true spirit of Greenhead College; community, togetherness and an overarching mutual support for all was epitomised by the performance of ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’, where Mud Mask invited all the musicians to join them in a final performance in which the whole student body sang along in a euphoric rendition.

Article written by Greenhead College Student Officers.

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