Greenhead College awarded for significant DofE contribution
28 June 2019
Greenhead College is proud to have been presented with the 100+ Fellowship Award by the Kirklees Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Authority. The prestigious award is in recognition of Barbara Farmer, the College’s Award Coordinator and her team in offering and supporting over one hundred students with the DofE opportunity. In the period 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 the College enrolled 154 new starters and had 82 students complete their Gold Award.
Barbara has been coordinating the college’s DofE offering for over 30 years and has helped thousands of students achieve the highly respected award. This award comes shortly after Barbara’s win of the #DofEdifference campaign, where hundreds of Barbara’s students current and former came together to vote for her for the difference she has made to them.
The Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award is just one of over 100 activities Greenhead College offers as part of its award winning Enrichment Scheme. College is not just about lessons and exams. It’s also about making friends, trying new experiences, being active and healthy or pursuing an interest or activity. The DofE takes you into a place where you’ll push yourself and have amazing new experiences.
You’ll build confidence, resilience, skills and friendship groups and have a brilliant time doing it. It gives you the added benefit of gaining a competitive edge as employers regard a DofE Award highly so it will help open the right doors for you. Many of the skills you gain can be applied to your studies as well as your personal and social development.