Principal’s January 2020 newsletter
23 January 2020A Happy New Year and Happy New Decade to all our current and future students, and their parents and carers.
This winter term is one of the busiest we’ve ever had at Greenhead College and this online newsletter aims to highlight a few key events, opportunities and sources of information to look out for.
Prospective applicants
It was great to meet so many prospective applicants at our recent open events and during a large number of school assemblies throughout the autumn term. For those of you currently in year 11 wishing to apply to the College, a reminder that our deadline date for applications is Friday, 7 February 2020. It is best to obtain guidance from your school as regards how to apply to Greenhead. Many schools use the new ‘Get Into’ platform for applications; alternatively you can apply via our website.
A further reminder that we have our third – and final – open event on Thursday, 30 January 2020, from 5.30-7.30pm. This event was originally scheduled to take place in November but was postponed due to bad weather. This is a great opportunity to talk to current students, teachers and look at our facilities. I will be giving a talk at 6.30pm – it would be great to see you all there.
In the meantime, can I express my support to all current year 11 students as they prepare for their final exams. I want to wish the year11s all the very best during what will be a very demanding few months. Remember to think big and aim high, and take advantage of all the support networks that are available: peers, family, teachers, personal tutor, Head of Year, learning support staff, careers staff and counsellors.
A2 mock exams
In College we are preparing for one of our big milestone events of the year – the mock exams for A2 students, which will run from 24-28 February 2020 (inc.). Could I please remind students to look at the exams briefing which is on Moodle. This was the PowerPoint presentation that our Examinations Manager went through at the recent assembly. Her slides also cover information about the formal exams which start in May 2020.
Our A2 students are now on the home straight to their final exams. There is a real plethora of support available in College, starting with teachers and personal tutors. These staff are available for continual academic and emotional support. In addition, students should use the study time on their timetable to keep up-to-date with work and use resources such as the study area and the library. Our study centre offers bespoke support on a range of issues, including time management, revision and essay writing: students are encouraged to contact staff in the study centre directly or speak to their personal tutor. We also have our counselling service which is of great benefit to many students. Could I emphasise to students and their parents and carers that support is always available. Our staff, including teachers, personal tutors, the learning support and careers teams, College counsellors, and the senior team, are here to help with any matter of concern. Our doors are always open.
Options @ 18 Fair
Another important date in the College calendar is our annual Options @18 Fair, which this year is going to run on Thursday, 13 February 2020 from 4.00-6.00pm. This promises to be our grandest and most ambitious fair ever, with over 90 organisations coming to Greenhead, including a mixture of employers and universities. This is an event not to be missed!

One of Greenhead College’s major strengths is the exciting range of extra-curricular activities available to students. Enrichment for term two starts on Monday, 27 January 2020. These activities form part of the ethos and culture of Greenhead: not only are they fun and enjoyable to do but they allow students to stand out from other candidates when applying for employment or to university in the future.
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
One of Greenhead’s ‘crown jewels’ is the Extended Project Qualification, which students undertake around two-thirds into the first year and complete about half-way through their second year. A highlight of the course is the EPQ Showcase. The photograph accompanying this newsletter was taken at our latest event which was a superb encapsulation of students’ achievements. It gave them an opportunity to discuss their work with peers, parents and carers, teachers and Governors. This year we had such a disparate display of work – our largest and most impressive display ever!

College information
Could I remind all students to check their emails on a daily basis to ensure they are up-to-date with key messages concerning life in College. Students will find it useful to read the daily bulletin – this contains information on forthcoming College events, not to mention job vacancies and careers information. Parents and carers are advised to log onto Cedar to track their son/daughter’s progress.
Best wishes,
Simon Lett