Student Blog: Opportunity
17 December 2021By Will Rudkin, A1 student
Opportunity. It’s something that you’re told about all your life. “You miss every shot you don’t take.” Which makes you think, what if I don’t get the opportunity to take those shots? I think that this is why Greenhead College is such an amazing college to attend – it opens up so many opportunities. So many chances and ways to better yourself, and those around you.
Some of these opportunities could include 2021’s Charity Day at the college – helping to support the Young Minds charity – which gave us students the opportunity to help out the community and to help contribute to bettering the world. Greenhead College managed to together raise £2011.81 for the charity which helps support teenagers and young adults, such as myself and those in the college, with their mental health. Just being apart of that contribution is rewarding enough, but we also got to all dress up for the day – me going for the peculiar choice of a Hawaiian get-up and sandals on a cold November day (not the best choice in the world, I can confirm that). This event also displayed the efforts of the Students Association for organising the event, which was a day to remember for everyone, I’m sure. Speaking of charity, the college also is running a Christmas Jumper Day for Salvation Army this year, in the spirit of Christmas and giving to the community. It overall just built on the great atmosphere of community that Greenhead already possesses.
Another opportunity that Greenhead College can provide are links with universities for the future of our education. For instance, in my Classical Civilisation course, we have already had a talk (on Teams unfortunately) from Professor Llewelyn Morgan, who is a Fellow in Classics at Brasenose College in Oxford University. The talk itself was extremely intriguing and focused on topics such as the importance of kleos (fame and glory) in the Iliad, and how significant ‘being remembered’ was to the Homeric heroes. The talk helped develop mine and others understanding on the heroes in the Iliad, and was engaging and interesting while doing so. Opportunities like these really solidify the characteristics of Greenhead College – it can open so many different pathways for the future of our education.
I would also like to restate about the community of Greenhead. From the other students to the teachers, the friendly atmosphere that the college promotes was established from day one and has stayed throughout. It’s nearing the Christmas break already, and while it does feel like the college year is speeding past already, it has also shown how welcoming Greenhead College is – not once have I felt out of place here. During my time at Greenhead, the sense of community and the amazing opportunities it grants us will always stay with me. I can’t wait to see where the college takes us next.