A Level Mathematics
What is Mathematics?
- Is it seeking out patterns, and using them to formulate and prove new conjectures?
- Is it finding connections between related concepts, such as algebra and graphs?
- Is it about providing useful models of real world phenomena, which can then be used to provide insight or make predictions about nature?
- Is it a human activity which is part of everyone’s life?
Mathematics is all these things and more, which is why it is such a valuable course at A Level. Applicants interested in Maths may also be interested in Further Maths, Statistics or Core Maths.
Why Study This Subject?
Mathematics is a fascinating subject which is of great importance in its own right. It also has wide-ranging applications in industry, business, finance, science, technology and many other subjects. Maths qualifications can help you towards a future career in all of these areas. It is also vital for many university courses particularly those in science, computing and economics.
Studying Mathematics will help you to develop crucial skills which are highly valued by universities and employers, such as the ability to think logically, solve problems and communicate complex ideas effectively.
Students are expected to undertake 3-4 hours of independent work each week for this subject.
What is A Level Mathematics?
You will have taken Mathematics at GCSE level, studying number, algebra, geometry, statistics and probability.
At A Level, we will take all of these topics to the next stage, and introduce many interesting and important new concepts.
We use the AQA syllabus for A Level Mathematics (although the content of all A Level Mathematics syllabuses are essentially the same).
Entry Guidelines
Grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics. For Further Mathematics, Grade 8 in GCSE Mathematics (See the Further Maths Course).
Topics you will cover
We use the AQA syllabus for A Level Mathematics (although the content of all A Level Mathematics syllabuses are essentially the same).
We divide the subject into three main branches:
Pure Mathematics
This involves the methods and techniques which underpin the study of all other areas of maths. This includes algebra, trigonometry, calculus (differentiation and integration), and vectors.
This is the mathematics of forces acting on objects and the motion that results. It includes the study of projectiles and the use of Newton’s Laws of motion, and is widely used in Physics and Engineering.
This involves sampling, data representation and probability, all of which follow on from GCSE topics. This leads to the study of special statistical distributions such as the Binomial and Normal distributions, and statistical hypothesis testing, which are of critical importance in subjects such as Biology, Geography and Psychology.
The A Level Mathematics course will cover a combination of pure mathematics, mechanics and statistics, to be examined at the end of a two year course.
A Level Mathematics supports the study of a wide range of other subjects including, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Psychology, Business Studies, Computing and Geography. Many students take A Level Mathematics alongside non-related subjects in order to keep a broad range of subject choices until they make decisions about their future study and career plans.
Experience has shown us that if students have a higher grade at GCSE, then initially they tend to encounter fewer problems in the transition from GCSE to A Level and can expect considerable success. We therefore require that you have gained grade 7 or above at GCSE Mathematics and recommend that you have a sound background in algebra.
At Greenhead College, we are a very experienced and well-resourced Mathematics department. We are keen to offer any help needed by our students and have a dedicated Maths Help room where students can study and get the support they need. We make effective use of IT: our Maths Help room has 13 computers and each teaching room has an interactive whiteboard. Students will have access to an on-line text book and will be encouraged to use a graphical calculator. Help is always at hand should problems arise.
We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities within the department, including the UKMT Maths Challenge, support for STEP, MAT and AEA exams, involvement in the HEE programme, attendance at local Maths inspiration lectures and visits to university maths departments.
Students who study A Level Mathematics go onto study a huge range of courses at university and end up with careers in any field you can imagine – it is a course which leaves your choices wide open. Popular degree courses for A Level Mathematics students include Mathematics, any Sciences, Engineering, Computing, Economics, Finance and Accountancy.
Skills you will develop
Maths News
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