Greenhead Engineers Win the Award for Best Project
08 April 2019Two teams of four Greenhead students took part in this year’s Engineering Education Scheme. The scheme, run by the Engineering Development Trust, is a national programme which enables sixth form students to work alongside professional engineers to tackle a real-world problem facing the engineer’s company.
This year’s projects were in collaboration with BorgWarner Turbosystems and hydraulic access platform manufacturer Niftylift. Students have spent the past 6 months working with their linked organisation solving various different engineering challenges. They also attended a workshop residential where there were facilities available to the students to manufacture their own prototypes and models.
The scheme concluded with a celebration and assessment day at Sheffield Hallam University where students from 12 different colleges had to produce a full technical and business report as well as a prototype to demonstrate their ideas.
Both teams’ projects were well-received by the judges and both sponsoring companies will looking to implement the students’ solutions.
The BorgWarner team won the People’s Choice Award voted for by the participants at the regional presentation and all members of each team graduated at Gold Level.
Mick Callaghan, Physics Teacher and Engineering Education Scheme Co-ordinator commented:
The scheme is a fantastic enrichment opportunity for those students interested in an engineering career. The students’ ability to tackle real-world engineering problems and provide such valuable solutions that both organisations are now looking to implement them has been astonishing. I am extremely proud of them all.