Introducing BACES..
We understand that the second lockdown has been particularly difficult for both students and staff, with the shorter days there have been fewer opportunities to get outside and benefit from the natural mood enhancement that nature and daylight provides. It can be really stressful to feel as though you are constantly having to react to new situations or events without a chance to process how you really feel about them.
Our BACES series will comprise of daily bitesize reminders to self check our wellbeing along with some tips and ideas. There will also be opportunities for students and staff to connect with others through organised online activities.
Please keep your eye out on our Instagram page and stories for our daily bitesize wellbeing tips starting on Monday 1 February. We will also be sharing all of our daily boosters via a weekly roundup on our website, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Monday – Body Care
Tuesday – Achievement
Wednesday – Connecting with others
Thursday – Enjoyment
Friday – Step Back (reflection)
Students can still book:
An appointment with our College Counsellors
A place on the next MoodMaster course ‘Panic’
Contact a member of the Safeguarding Team