Congratulations to Emily Brierly – our ‘Student of the Year’

Greenhead College has an excellent record of success at the British Education Awards, winning the ‘A Level Student of the Year’ category for the north of England three years in succession.

We were hugely disappointed to hear that this year’s awards ceremony had been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as we had nominated a superb candidate in Emily Brierley, who we hoped would win us the award for the fourth year in a row!

Undeterred, we decided to present Emily with our own ‘Student of the Year’ award. 

Emily left Greenhead in the summer of 2020 with A Levels in Philosophy, Religion & Ethics, Psychology and Sociology.  She is a Youth Ambassador for the Mindfulness in Schools Project and has used this as a platform to promote mindfulness to young people.  During her time in College, Emily devoted her time and energy to developing and delivering mindfulness to College students.

Emily said:

“I have always been passionate about helping others by using the tools which have helped me so much. Mindfulness is something that is so important, especially for young people and so to bring this into Greenhead College was an exciting opportunity for me.

“It’s an absolute honour to receive this award and it means a lot to me that I was able to make an impact upon the College and the students there.”

College Principal Simon Lett said:

“As the British Education Awards aren’t running this year, we thought we should find a way to commemorate Emily’s impressive achievements.  This award is richly deserved and Emily has an amazing future ahead of her.”

Emily is currently studying Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester.  

BACES Wellbeing Weekly Round up – Week 5

Monday – Body Care

Screen Brightness

Adjust your device’s screen brightness settings so you’re not straining your eyes. Light filters are built into most devices, or you can download apps for your device. For more information check out the BACES link page on Moodle.

Tuesday – Achievement

Study Bunny

No motivation to study? Meet your Study Bunny! Try this motivational productive study timer to help you stay focused. Time your study with the timer, hit pause when you can’t stay focused for motivational advice. View your study stats in the study tracker by month or by week. Study to earn coins. Buy items or music in the store for your bunny with your coins. Be productive. Use optional tools like the To Do list, flash cards and Honesty Mode.

Wednesday – Connect with Others

Todays task: Send a funny picture to a friend. Why? Because people who feel more connected to others have lower rates of anxiety and depression. Connecting with others makes us smile, and produces feel good chemicals in the brain. It reduces isolation and we may also receive something funny in return!

Thursday – Enjoyment

A Doodle a day

A lot of learning in college requires specific higher level thinking skills but how many of us engage our visual brain on a regular basis? Why not challenge yourself to ‘A Doodle A Day’. Dust down those pencils, find yourself a notebook and have go. It’s not about the end product but a great way to relax and switch off with a form of proactive daydreaming. Click here for the ‘A doodle a day’ challenge. 

Friday – Step Back

5-4-3-2-1 Coping Technique for Anxiety

Anxiety is something most of us have experienced at least once in our life. This five-step exercise can be helpful during periods of anxiety or panic by helping to ground you in the present when your mind is bouncing around between various anxious thoughts. Once you find your breath, go through the following steps to help ground yourself: 

5: Acknowledge FIVE things you see around you

4: Acknowledge FOUR things you can touch around you

3: Acknowledge THREE things you can hear

2: Acknowledge TWO things you can smell

1: Acknowledge ONE thing you can taste

BACES Wellbeing Weekly Round up – Week 4

Monday – Body Care

Feeling Groovy, Have a Smoothie!

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Smoothies are very easy to make, are very good for you and taste delicious. They are a great way of getting your ‘5 a day’, can give you an energy boost when you are studying and can help to keep you hydrated. For some smoothie recipes, visit the BACES page on Moodle.

Tuesday – Achievement

Our Daily Bread


You can’t beat fresh homemade bread and it is so satisfying and easy to make. I use honey instead of sugar and I like to put a tablespoon of olive oil in as well. Knead away your frustrations, be patient while it proves and then pop in the oven and enjoy the aroma. In no time at all you will have a magnificent loaf. Stand back and enjoy your success then serve, still warm, with good butter or olive oil. Enjoy – I bet you eat more than one slice.

Wednesday – Connect with Others

Create a Virtual Book Club


Questions to consider at a virtual Book Club with family or friends:

1. What was your favourite part of the book?
2. What was your least favourite?
3. Did you race to the end, or was it more of a slow burn?
4. Which scene has stuck with you the most?
5. What did you think of the writing?
6. Did you reread any passages?
7. Would you want to read another book by this author?

Thursday – Enjoyment

Winter Watchlist


Going out for more walks? Have a look at the BBC’s Winter Watchlist and see what you can spot when you are out and about.

Friday – Step Back

Reflect on your week



1.What were my wins for the week?
2.What are my lessons from things that didn’t go quite as well?
3. Any projects or tasks I completed?
4. Any pending tasks?
5. Did I stick to my plan and stay organised?
6. How much progress did I make on my yearly goals
7. What (quote, affirmation or anything else) kept me inspired?
8. What action or habit am I proud of?
9. How much did I read?
10. What made me happy?
11.What made me stressed, unhappy or angry?
12. Anything I did to take care of my physical body?
13. Any area of life or skill I improved in?
14.What am I grateful for the most this week?