Celebrating Neurodiversity Week

This week we have been celebrating Neurodiversity Week. At Greenhead College we understand and recognise the needs of our students and work closely with learners and their families, personalising programmes of study and supporting them to their post 18 destination.

Throughout the week various workshops and activities have taken place including:

  • How to apply for the Disabled Students Allowance
  • Dynamic timetabling drop-in session, looking at different ways to schedule revision
  • Neurodiversity group, open to any students who consider themselves neurodiverse
  • Finding out more about what life at university might look like. Ask a graduate Q&A session
  • How to approach a university open day
  • Consolidation and recall techniques

We are also delighted to share that Helen Mackey-Bowen, High Needs Provision Manager at Greenhead College has recently been approved as a licensed trainer for the National Autistic Society! This means that Helen is able to deliver various courses in-house to staff members, enhancing their professional development. This will involve exploring the experiences of autistic people, looking at communication differences, reviewing communication styles, challenging stereotypes and negative perceptions, sensory profiling and looking at how to individualise and shape our support for autistic people.  

Below is a photo of Helen delivering her first essential autism training to staff members on Wednesday.

Iceland 2024

Last week, 45 of our A Level Geography and Geology students experienced the beauty and power of ‘mother nature’ on their trip to Iceland.
The tectonic nature of Iceland is directly relevant to both A Level specifications and students visited some of their case studies from the course, such as the volcanic Island of Heimaey, where they walked on the lava from the 1973 eruption, the rift valley of Thingvellir National Park, where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates are diverging, as well as seeing real lava in a demonstration at the Lava Show in Reykjavik.
Not only was the week educational, but one which has left students with a love of Iceland and memories for life!

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge Success

Well done to 50 of our A Level Chemistry students who participated in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge.

The challenge is designed to stretch and challenge students interested in chemistry, taking them beyond the A Level syllabus.

We are incredibly proud of the results: 2 students achieved the gold award, 12 achieved the silver award and 24 achieved the copper award.

All students were recently presented with their certificates by Carl Sykes and Megan Smith from Syngenta, who came into College to celebrate our students’ success whilst taking the opportunity to look around our recently opened Hirst Building, and see our students in their brand new lab coats which Syngenta kindly donated to the College.

You can read the full article about our collaboration with Syngenta here – https://www.syngenta.co.uk/syngenta-greenhead-college-collaboration.

Journalistic Success at The Telegraph

Congratulations to Grace Dunleavy, Shauna Hyland, Aiya Agustin, Jasmine Rickwood and Charlotte Royston, who are amongst the successful GC student applicants achieving a nationally competitive place on this year’s Telegraph Media Literacy Programme. The virtual programme begins today and will run till 26th March 2024, providing access, insight, training and mentoring with Telegraph journalists from News, Sport, Culture, Travel and many other teams. All students who applied for the programme have also participated in the Greenhead College Journalism enrichment and completed a rotation on the Greenhead College Resident Journalism scheme to enhance their copywriting skills. 

Congratulations to all who have applied and secured a place on this scheme.