As Greenhead College gears up for its first Mental and Physical Health week of the academic year (12-16th December), we thought we’d answer some frequently asked questions all about the Framework we use to support the well-being of our whole college community:
Click here to view the full schedule for the week ahead.
What is the M+P Framework?
The Mental and Physical Framework encompasses all the wellbeing strands across college under one framework. This enables the college to address wellbeing collectively, creating a positive culture of mental and physical health which benefits the whole college community. The framework is led by the Senior Leadership Team who ensure it is embedded into the college strategic plan, department quality improvement plans, alongside day-to-day activities across the whole college. The framework allows the college to work collectively, so that at every level we have a strategy that addresses the needs of both staff and students. It is the responsibility of all staff to consider the well-being of their teams, to ensure that we are all working together to protect each other and our students.
How does M+P Week fit into the framework the college has adopted?
Whilst M+P weeks are an opportunity for staff and students to access activities/resources during dedicated weeks, they were also designed to work as a year-long process, with the intention to:
- Highlight to students the importance placed upon wellbeing by the college and this extends to all aspects of college life,
- Explore with students the relationship between wellbeing and academic outcomes,
- To open a channel of communication between staff and students and allow a process of reflection on teaching/ learning and the learner journey
- Highlight to staff the importance placed upon their wellbeing by the senior leadership team, and to provide them with support to help them in all aspects of their role at the College
How does M+P Week benefit the college community?
Mental and Physical (M+P) weeks are held throughout the academic year, where there is an opportunity for both staff and students to access a variety of activities, information sessions and resources dedicated to wellbeing both in and outside of lessons. Bringing students and staff together across college.